Saturday, September 27, 2008

1st Entry

So this is my new blog and I have a few thoughts about it.

A lot of work went into the name of my blog. I tried to come up with something clever, a play on words perhaps, something to do with security. I came up with nothing. Not even a meditative shower, where I do most of my thinking, produced a cute name for my blog. It's Brian's Library Blog, which is straight and to the point. Best, it makes no mention of my job as a Security Officer. That's fine, because although it's my job, this blog isn't just about that, but about blogging itself, and issues facing the library.

A word about these new internet innovations, such as blogging: I believe new features on the internet can be useful in certain circumstances. I condemn the idea of utilizing new things, like blogs, just because they're there. Cathy Deane has me doing this blog because she said the Security Log may be scrathced for a blog format. Well, I like the Security Log. It serves its purpose, which at this point is for communication between the different Security Officers as well as the administration. I'm willing to explore blogs and the other technologies available, but in general if it aint broke don't fix it.

Depending on who reads this blog, I may ruffle a few feathers. I tend to be candid in my writing, mostly because I find it to be the best way to collect my thoughts. Writing is where my opinions are expressed, and I have strong ones. I'm not afraid to disagree with somebody, but I tend to come across a lot more easygoing in person because if I have a difference of opinion I process it and write about it.

I had the idea that a blog could be a great tool for the security staff, as a way to communicate with the rest of the staff. This is where I see the future of blogging as opposed to a replacement for the Security Log. A security blog on the library's intranet could be helpful for a communication between the regular staff--their specific security concerns--and the security staff, who would respond and also write about security measures. I wouldn't even mind blogging about some of my ideas and philosophies when it comes to security. As I've said all along, as a Security Officer I want to be as much involved as possible. When it comes to security concerns, I know staff members may have things to discuss, maybe things they forget about later, so a security blog could provide that communication.

I read part of the blog called "Library Bytes." This is because I couldn't stand to read anything from this Michael Stephens. I didn't like his presentation. I didn't think he had much to say, and most of what he did say I disagreed with. And he gets paid for this. If whoever reads this is the same person who read my evaluation of the presentation, you know I think he's a sham.

From "Library Bytes" one blog that grabbed my attention was about nominating a "mover and shaker." I loathe this term. Pam Nelson described this Michael Stephens to me as a "mover and shaker." For me, these people do a whole lot of moving and shaking, but they never accomplish anything. The people who work in Circulation, they check items in and out all day long as well as catch the overflow from the service desks with patrons with any kinds of problems to deal with. These are the people that get things done. I know because I used to work in Circ. The movers and shakers try to come up with ideas, most of which are unnecessary. They become speakers who get paid to do nothing.

Those are my opinions, which I never felt compelled to share, but you asked for it.

1 comment:

Michellv123 said...

You've obviously put a lot of thought into this very interesting post. Thank you for sharing your opinions so honestly.

We hope you'll find all the topics fun and useful.
